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Protecting Our Skies, Veterans, and the public

The Urgent Need for UK UAP Research

The Issue: Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), often referred to as UFOs, pose a growing concern for national security, veteran well-being, and public safety. While the United States has established a dedicated office to investigate UAPs, the UK government has yet to take similar steps. This lack of action leaves critical questions unanswered and potentially puts UK airspace at risk.

The Urgency:

  • Flight Safety:  Reports of UAPs near U.S. airbases have led to closures and safety concerns. Similar incidents in the UK could have dire consequences for civilian and military air traffic. See

  • Veteran & Public Experiencer Needs:  Many military personnel have encountered UAPs, and the associated psychological effects can be significant. The UK government has a responsibility to support the public & veterans' mental health in this area.

  • A National Security Threat?:  The unknown nature of UAPs raises national security concerns. Understanding these phenomena is crucial for ensuring the safety of our airspace and citizens.

A Compelling Entry Point: Mental Health

By acknowledging the potential mental health impact of UAP encounters on civilians and veterans, the UK government can create a bridge for a broader conversation.

Taking this human aspect seriously can foster trust and pave the way for a more open and productive dialogue about UAPs as a whole.

We need the UK government to engage with the mental health and well-being charity

The Call to Action:

We urge the UK government to follow the lead of the United States and establish a dedicated office or task force for UAP research. This effort should:

  • Prioritize Flight Safety:  Investigate potential risks posed by UAPs to UK airspace and develop protocols for safe encounters.

  • Support Veterans & the UK Public:  Provide mental health resources and support services to veterans & the public who have encountered UAPs.

  • Investigate the Unknown:  Dedicate resources to understand the nature and origin of UAPs, ensuring national security and public safety.

Protecting our skies, supporting our veterans, and understanding the unknown – these are critical issues demanding immediate attention. Let's work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all in the UK.

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