Deep Weird: The Phenomenology of High Strangeness

To gain entrance we accept donations when we have a guest speaker we ask you donate at least £5 as we have to cover the travel costs of the speaker, these are 100% used to help pay for future speakers and the venue costs, please give what you can afford (Sorry Cash & Coins only) .
No need to register just turn up!
Dr. Jack Hunter is an anthropologist exploring the borderlands of consciousness, religion, ecology and the paranormal.
He is an Honorary Research Fellow with the Alister Hardy Religious Experience Research Centre, and a tutor with the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, where he is lead tutor on the MA in Ecology and Spirituality and teaches on the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology.
He is also a tutor on the Alef Trust’s MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology.
He is a Research Fellow with the Parapsychology Foundation, and a Professional Member of the Parapsychological Association. In 2010 he founded Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal.
He is the author of Spirits, Gods and Magic (2020) and Manifesting Spirits (2020), and is the editor of Mattering the Invisible (2020), Greening the Paranormal (2019), Damned Facts (2016) and Talking with the Spirits (2014).

Please arrive from 6.30pm we start at 7pm to 9pm
Bridges Centre Monmouth, The Robert’s Room
If you have had a sighting you wish to share please come along, we would love to learn the details.
Come along if you want to meet with others who have had sightings/encounters, we are a not for profit group all monies are used to pay for venue and speakers travel costs.
MUFOG Monmouth UFO Group - Meeting Announcement
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Discussions & Presentations
We normally have a break half way through the meetings for coffee etc
Break - grab a Hot or cold drink - £1 each
Q & A on everything
Come and join us
‘Roberts Room’
Drybridge House
Drybridge Park
NP25 5AS
FREE onsite parking
Google Map Directions
As you enter the main entrance the meeting will be in one of the large rooms on the ground floor, we are normally in the Roberts room.
Any questions please contact us
MUFOG team
Follow us on Twitter: @MUFOGroup