Chris will discuss his deep interest in the Pensacola/Gulf Breeze sightings & his own research.

Chris has had an active interest in researching ufos for over 30 years, as well as having been a witness himself to a number of unusual sightings incl. One was also seen by others in South Wales back in May, 1996.
From always having an interest in such things, Chris’s interest in ‘the modern’ world of ufos was sparked on seeing the famed photo known as ‘The Road Shot’ at the end of 1991 when it was featured in Tim Good’s book ‘The UFO Report 1992’
Soon immersed in the subject researching as an self-funded, independent individual, five years later he made his 1st research trip to Pensacola/Gulf Breeze, conducting hours of interviews with witnesses on film and collecting lots of the incredible footage filmed in the area by members of the public and numerous TV film crews including.
Chris is seen here at Shoreline Park, G. Breeze in 1996 with local witnesses

MUFOG Monmouth UFO Group - Meeting Announcement
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Discussions & Presentations
2nd Nov 2023
Please arrive from 6.40pm
Talk starts at 7pm prompt, finish 9pm
To gain entrance we accept donations, these are 100% used to help pay for future speakers and the venue costs, please give what you can afford.
Meetings will be held on the 1st Thursday of each month
We have 2 main speakers!
15min ufology update latest news in the topic
1hr presentation from researcher/witness Christopher Fowler from Cardiff South Wales - details above
Break - grab a Hot or cold drink - £1 each
Q & A on everything
Come and join us
‘Roberts Room’
Drybridge House
Drybridge Park
NP25 5AS
FREE onsite parking
Google Map Directions
As you enter the main entrance the meeting will be in one of the large rooms on the left hand side ground floor.
Any questions please contact us
MUFOG team
Follow us on Twitter: @MUFOGroup